Long before Playboy, Esquire, or SI's mega-popular "swimsuit" issues were published, there was the Police Gazette. Filled with sport reports and lovely ladies in beach wear, this captivating publication was the first essential men's magazine. Get an eyeful and then some of 1920 sporting events, and beach babes, with this group of (3) high quality PG issues. With deference to slight to moderate horizontal folds halfway up, these ancient magazines are very impressive, with clean covers, tight spines, and supple pages.
Featured are:
8/7/1920 (moderate fold) with the Chicago "Black Sox" starting lineup and pitchers on page 12. Also noted are the Mack Sennett girls on the front cover, and interior photos of Bill Tilden, Warren Harding, and Franklin D. Roosevelt.
8/14/1920 (moderate fold) with Babe Ruth on pages 5 and 12; and the Cincinnati Reds on page 13.
9/11/1920 (slight fold) with all eight AL managers including Connie Mack, Tris Speaker, and Miller Huggins on page 9. Also noted on page 12 are Babe Ruth, Jack Dempsey, and Ray Chapman/Carl Mays with the caption "Ray Chapman, who was killed by being hit by a ball pitched by Carl Mays".